How Your Household Chores Become Your Housework Exercise Regimen

We all need motivation to pick up the mop or vacuum and starting cleaning the house, right? To be honest, you can think of countless other things to do than cleaning the home in the evening after work or God forbid, on the weekend.

Happy african american woman in kitchen wearing rubber gloves, cleaning kitchen worktop. spending free time at home.

How Many Calories Does Cleaning Burn?

With so many ways to clean, you’ll be happy to know there’s just as many ways you can burn calories. If you add all of the above methods, you’re looking at a total of roughly 4,100 calories burned per week! And if you want to burn more calories, adding an extra 20 minutes to your cleaning routine each day can significantly increase the number of calories burned each week. There are plenty of other methods we didn’t even discuss, like mowing the lawn or washing the car!

Don’t forget that it’s not all about how many calories you burn; rest is just as important. Spacing out your chores throughout the week is a great way to balance a healthy lifestyle. So remember do drink plenty of water, put on your sweats, and get to ready to burn more calories while you clean the house.

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