Decluttering Tips For Your Home: Prevent Clutter In Your Home With A Dumpster Rental

Clutter can have an unrelenting impact on your physical surroundings and mental health. You can scour the Internet for days and days and not even read 1% of the articles and blogs dedicated on how to declutter your home and creating additional storage space.

However, this guide is different! We’ll provide you more than just decluttering tips and tricks — because many tips are simply Band-Aid solutions. We aim to get to the root of your clutter, so when you do declutter your home, the items don’t pile back up, right away.

How Does Clutter Happen?

Clutter happens because we simply have more household items than we need — just look at the self storage industry! Did you know Americans spend around $39 BILLION a year on renting storage containers because they have too many things to keep in their house? Many self-storage renters should have the space to accommodate all of their items because:

  • 67% self-storage renters have a garage
  • 33% self-storage renters have a garage AND a basement

So, what really causes clutter? Well, we buy way too much stuff! Only 41% of our purchases are actually made for logical reasons. How many times have you bought something on impulse and regretted it? You need to work to avoid impulse buying or buying just because something is discounted. Buy it only because you need it — or because it will make you genuinely happy.

Ready to rent a dumpster to de-clutter?

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