At the beginning of your residential project, you may wonder if you need a permit for your dumpster because you want to park it on the street. This will largely depend on where you plan to place it and city regulations regarding streetside use. Residential driveways are usually your best bet because you can avoid a lot of paperwork since you are on private property. If you don’t have a drive or need that space for other parts of your building plans, you will need to obtain a city permit before going forward with your rental.


When you park a dumpster on the curb or street, you increase safety risks in your area for local traffic and pedestrians. This is why your city will have several requirements you must comply with before granting you a permit. To keep your plans on track, we put together some general information regarding permits and alternatives to parking your dumpster in the street.

Permit Requirements For Dumpsters in Jacksonville and Surrounding Areas

Renting a dumpster in the Jacksonville area is always a smart decision for medium to large home projects. While we always make safety a priority, Bin There Dump That is happy to accommodate customer preferences that meet your local government’s guidelines. We take this compliance seriously and will do everything in our power to meet your needs while satisfying the law. This is why you should try to use your driveway or private parking areas first before deciding to park a roll-off in the street.


Sometimes you can’t use your drive or property to hold your dumpster. Many cities around the Jacksonville area do offer permits in their communities for roadside parking of our bins. If you are facing this situation, contact Jacksonville’s Sanitation Department ahead of time to learn more about what you need to obtain this special permission.

Who Can Issue a Dumpster Permit in the Jacksonville Area?

Whenever possible, it is easier to place our dumpsters on your privately-owned space, like a driveway, because then a permit isn’t necessary. This is why our minivan size roll-offs are the perfect solution to avoid your city’s red tape. They fit perfectly in your driveway, don’t pose a hazard to pedestrians, and don’t interfere with local traffic.


Our company understands that not every project can utilize our smaller roll-offs, or doesn’t have an available parking area to leave it. In these situations, contacting your local city government for more information is prudent since you may also need to use bright caution tape and traffic cones.


For those in the Jacksonville area, we have provided the below city links in areas we serve to assist you in starting the permit process:



Permits can have lengthy processing times, so be proactive and avoid project delays by applying at least a week before you need us.

Does Your HOA Allow Dumpsters on the Street?

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) often require you to get permission before placing our roll-offs on the street. You should seriously consider calling your home association’s office first since they ultimately decide how to use your community roadway. If they say no, it will not matter if the Covington Sanitation Department granted you a dumpster permit or not.


HOAs often have their own enforcement of parking regulations in their bylaws and may not allow off-street parking of dumpsters. This usually because of safety concerns and overall community appearances. Always call your HOA office first if you have one, and then your local public works department.

My Dumpster Can’t Go on the Street

One of the most frustrating barriers our clients’ experience is the inability to get a permit or permission to park our dumpsters on the street. Call us right away if you find yourself in this situation. Our helpful staff can help you re-evaluate the size of the roll-off you need. Many times, our smaller minivan sized model will still meet the waste load you are expecting.


We can also look into other alternatives to parking our dumpster on the curb, such as offsetting it into your yard while not blocking sidewalks.

Why Placing a Dumpster In Your Driveway Is Best

Safety issues are the most important reasons to park a dumpster in the driveway, but there is another equally important reason, and it affects your budget. Unlawful dumping is a major problem for roll-offs placed streetside and not on private property. Federal and state laws are very clear about what can or cannot go into our dumpsters, but strangers may take advantage of you. By putting restricted materials like paint or tires into your bin, you end up with the additional services charges for safe disposal of these prohibited items.

Reserve Your Jacksonville Area Dumpster Today

Bin There Dump That is here to help make this process simple and straightforward when undertaking residential repair or renovation jobs. Our staff always takes proper precautions to keep our clients and staff safe at all times. We’ve got you covered for all of your upcoming renovation needs from the moment you place your first call to us. If you’re ready to rent a dumpster, contact us online for more information.

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