The garage shouldn’t be a space where junk is left to accumulate and be forgotten. Besides, having junk in the way of parking your valuable car doesn’t make much sense. Not only can you park your car where it’ll be sheltered, the space can be used as a wood shop, or somewhere to do work on your bike or car. With so much potential, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make cleaning out the garage your next home improvement project.
If you haven’t been tending to your garage on a regular basis, you could be in for a big job. It’s not easy to get rid of all the years’ worth of stuff that have been accumulating in there.
Fortunately, this blog is here to help. So if you want to make cleaning out the garage a success, follow these 5 steps.
1. Survey and categorize your garage
This is the first step in your cleaning out the garage action plan. You need to understand exactly what you have put away so you know what you are up against. Then, you should begin piling together all of your different possessions according to category. This will make things easier later on.
2. Determine what to keep and what to get rid of
You need to decide what in your garage can be kept and what ashould be disposed of. Maybe you have some old bicycles that you no longer use, a set of old tools collecting dust, or sports equipment that hasn’t been touched in years. This is the perfect opportunity to decide what you need going forward.
Remember, not everything needs to be thrown away. However, if you have a lot of junk that just can’t be recycled or reused, a dumpster from Bin There Dump That is the perfect option.
3. Get organized with shelves and hooks
One of the best ways to make the most of the precious space in your garage and get organized is to think vertically. Shelves and hooks provide extra space and are a great way of organizing the many things you have lying around. Free up the floor space!
4. Sell or give away what you don’t need
Lots of things in your garage don’t have to be destined for a landfill. It just takes a bit of work to find them a new home, like hosting a garage sale or even selling some of your metal items to a local scrap metal dealer.
5. Label everything
In a few months’ time, it might be near impossible to find what you are looking for in your newly organized garage. So you need make sure you label all your containers, drawers, and more so you know where everything is later.
Enjoy your new and improved garage and remember: a dumpster is the perfect way to get rid of all your garbage from any home improvement project. Visit our website for more information.